Welcome to the Pop Collectors Alliance Podcast where we aim to return collecting to the pop collector. You are now entering the No Flip Zone! Join the alliance on the first episode where the team talks introductions, a brief overview of the podcast, Rick’s three categories of flippers, Funko News, and The Collectors Corner.
Podcast Overview
- The Pop Collectors Alliance Podcast will supply our listeners with videos, live events, podcasts, and articles dedicated to assisting in their constant search for Pop!
- Finders Series that will break down strategies and finding pop at retailers, episode 2
- Weekly news and information on latest trends, releases and Funko products
- Build a solid community of collectors (The Alliance Begins!!)
Collectors Corner
Many items are releasing this week, here is some helpful information to aid in your search efforts. Until next time happy hunting everyone.
Walgreens Exclusives:
Anakin Podracer with Helmet: UPC 88969821110
Star Wars Movie Moment: UPC 88969829187
Target Exclusives:
Grady Twins Restock: DCPI 323-01-0714
Crota Restock: DCPI 323-01-0420
10″ Hulk: DCPI 323-01-0715
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